Our lectionary, or daily cycle of readings, follows the Revised Common Lectionary and is printed in our bulletin every week. The following abbreviations and terms are commonly used; here is what they mean: 

 Feria: a day of the week other than Sunday. Church-speak for “weekday”.

(Com): Commemoration: We are asked to remember the life and work of the people named. The readings are for the day, and the liturgical colour is for the season.

(Mem): Memorial: We remember the singularly important life and work of the people named. The readings are tailored to this memorial, and the liturgical colour is white or red (for martyrs), reflected in the vestments.

(HD): Holy Day: We remember the lives and work of the apostles, St. Mary the Virgin, and episodes in the life of Christ. Those who keep Holy Days observe them with prayer and fasting. The liturgical colour is white or red, and reflected in the vestments and altar frontals.

(PF): Principle Feast: These are the feasts that are central to the Christian Year: Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and All Saints.

(SHM): Solemn High Mass: A special sung Mass

“Archbp.”: Arch Bishop: a bishop of higher office, overseeing an archdiocese–a larger geographical area made up of dioceses. The archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the Anglican Church. The Rt. Rev. Melissa Skelton is our current Archbishop.

“Bp.”: Bishop: a bishop is the spiritual and administrative head of a diocese– the geographical area made up of parishes. The Rt. Rev. Logan McMenamie is the Bishop of the Diocese of British Columbia.

“c.” : circa: “about”, usually used to indicate that historical dates are approximate.